Thursday, December 27, 2012
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Hello! Merry Christmas everyone. I know I had a wonderful Christmas here in Midland, MI with my grandparents and cousins and aunts, uncles ,dad, sister, and Chinese College Students!! First we opened gifts and i woke up at 6 with clatter in the kitchen as my grandma put the turkey in the oven! My dad was drinking coffee and i sat with him just to soak in that it was Christmas morning and my sister Isabella came down the stairs of my grandmas loft and so then I realized Papa was the only person not up, so it was then that my grandma suggested that me and my sister sing so that Papa would wake up. So it was then that me and my sister sang"We wish you a Merry Christmas,we wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Year, Good tidings we bring to you and your king , good tidings to Christmas and a Happy new year, Merry Christmas Papa, then we heard a small voice saying"Merry Christmas" and it was Papa. So finally we all went downstairs and the adults getting there coffee, me and my sister just wanted to open our gifts! So we started with me I got :Jewelry,money, gift cards,clothes,
a blanket with me on it, candy,glow in the dark things, books,puzzle, Jewelry box, wallet, SOOO MUCH, i cant even count it all, i am VERY grateful for everything and i got and i thank everyone. I wanted to let you know that I am also doing good this Christmas by Sponsoring a child from another country this year so yes Christmas is about Jesus, Joy ,being with family and loved ones and I wish you all A merry Christmas and a happy new year to everyone,I love you and Jesus is the reason for the Season. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all and i Love you!! <3 p="p">~SYD ARCHER3>
a blanket with me on it, candy,glow in the dark things, books,puzzle, Jewelry box, wallet, SOOO MUCH, i cant even count it all, i am VERY grateful for everything and i got and i thank everyone. I wanted to let you know that I am also doing good this Christmas by Sponsoring a child from another country this year so yes Christmas is about Jesus, Joy ,being with family and loved ones and I wish you all A merry Christmas and a happy new year to everyone,I love you and Jesus is the reason for the Season. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all and i Love you!! <3 p="p">~SYD ARCHER3>
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Hello everyone! I realize i haven't written in so long but the holidays are keeping me busy! I am writing this post about i
t being 12.12.12! I cant believe it will be 2101 until this kinda of matching up will happen again! It will be 1.1.01. That's a long time to wait until this same digit date happens again so enjoy it now! And Merry Merry Christmas to everyone and Happy Holidays on this 12.12.12! Love you all <3 p="p" syd="syd">

Friday, September 7, 2012
Left out
Hello. Do any of you ever feel left out? I know I do. I hear my sister laughing,screaming as she jumps with our neighbor Amanda. She used to be my best friend. Now a best friend to my sister. I am a friendly person but I feel left out a lot at school and new girls who already have friends and lunch tables I still can't find a group of friends that I fit in with and I have been there 3 years. I hate feeling like that. At pony club, church , school , home , everywhere I dont know what to do. I know that my family loves me and that Jesus loves me to but I can't find that perfect friend who loves me this is a tough time. I wish it was easier and that people whould be nicer and I pray that I will finda loyal friend soon. Dear Jesus, I hope I won't feel left out any more and that I can show people about you lord. I love you so much and I hope you can show me how to save kids. I hope this year goes better Lord. In Jesus name we pray....Amen
New car
Yesterday (September 6) me and my dad went to Macatawa Auto and we were looking at cars and we found a really nice and pretty spacious red car that has turbo, it is no longer made but before it was made out of GMC. So I want whoever reads my blog please please make a effort to comment because I really do comment on a lot of other peoples blogs so if you can figure this car out that my dad will probably get, right it in a comment and if you want people to comment on your blog then comment on mine ok! So try to figure out this car all you car lovers. By the way another thing about the car .... This car is really well made and you can feel it and tell that it's a great car for sure. It has really good gas mileage and it's a 2008 so you try to figure out this car. You wanna figure something else out ..... Me and my dad went out for dinner after that . This place has really good custard and burgers...can you guess where I'm taking about? Well I hope you comment and try to figure out what car me got and what dinner place we went to!! I will reveal tomorrow about what the car is and where we went. Dear Jesus, thank you for all you do for us and he me family with the loss and help them remember that she's with you and we will see her again. I love you and I hope everyone has a great weekend. Bye bye now.
<3 i="i" syd="syd">3>
<3 i="i" syd="syd">3>
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
I love my family and I would never want to be in another family. This is the family I belong doubt. Sometime family is sad though. I expirenced that today. We all know that people in our family or loved ones die sometime right. Well it was rough today for me because my great aunt died. I have talked to her over the phone and she has acutally given me like 3 books because I think she started a library or I have to ask my grandma but I do know that she was really into books and so I will cherish the books I have of her forever. This was my grandmas sister I never really saw her a lot but my grandma has a lot of storties about her and her sister Lorraine. Lorraine was her name. My grandma will be going to Oregon for her memorial. I know that people who believe in the Lord ( which my whole family does pretty much that I know of ) should be happy that it least there relative will live for enterinty But it's still sad to think that your great aunt died. I am happy to know that she will be in heaven. I see her in heaven and so will everyone else like her family and us. I will probably not get to go to the memorial because it is in oregon and to far away to pay for a plane but my grandma will be going. If you are a reader of my blog and you don't know who my grandma is you should check out her blog because that's where I get all my inspiration to write and that's why I live english class so much and thats why I write blogs and love to do it. My grandmas blog is This blog was a little happy because she's in heaven but sad that she won't be here anymore until we see her in heaven. It never occurred to me that this would happen. I was reading a book today and the girls aunt died also but I never thought It would actually happen to me when i read it, now I will have a better understanding of the girl in the book I am reading called 13 little blue envelopes. Wow what a wired day it has been. Love you all and I love you aunt Lorraine. I will see you when I get to heaven and I will never forget you and now to honor you I will read the books that you gave me and I will cherish them forever. God bless you all. Dear Jesus, please help my family and my grandparents and aunt Lorraine's family like her grandparents and her daughters. This is a big shock to my family Lord so please help us and I love you so much and I can't wait to go to heaven and see my horse and other pets and some of my family members that I miss and love but I gotta be patient and I will see them for eternity when I get to heaven so I can't grieve when I will see them in heaven and when I am there we will all be there until eternity. I love you Jesus and thank you for taking care of Aunt Lorraine and Kay and other pets of mine and family members I love you all and I gotta look on the bright side of things that Aunt Lorraine is with the most indescribable , perfect, earth and life creator Jesus Christ.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
First day of 8th grade
It was Monday night and I had a busy weekend with my grandparents and cousins and I saw my new barn and I had a lot to do still to get ready for school so i was hoping to go to bed by it least 8:45. I ended up going to bed at 9:15. Still a pretty decent time right....thats not to late. I was so anxious for school to start already so I couldn't fall asleep (that happens to me every year.) so I looked at the clock in my room and it was 10:00 already!!J! I was worried that I would be to tired to get up at 6 because my bus comes at 7:00. So I was kinda falling asleep and kinda resting because no matter how hard i tried I just couldn't fall asleep! So I was right up when my alarm went off because I wanted to get to school so bad!! I already had a very cute skirt and a cute little sweater picked out and I chose some jewerly and did my hair and it was raining so my mom drove me and we were waiting for the bus for like 10 minutes and it was not ushally this late so i told my mom just to drive me to school so she did and I asked a girl who rode my bus what time the bus came and she said 7 and i thought it was 7:15!!! And turns out that i had the wrong bus number so I won't be missing the bus anymore!! So I have extended math first Hour and I have mrs.Lynn. (extended math is when you need more help in math) then I have Spanish next with Mrs.Dykstra. Then I have science with Mr.Bumstead.Then for social studies I have Mr.Bekker. For Band I have Mr.Angeloff. Then I finally have a lunch break and I have it at 12:30! Then I have English ( my fav subject) with Mrs.Harington. Then my last class of the day is Math. I know your probably saying....she already had math but i have it twice one to help me with math and one real class of math which is Pre-Algrebra. Each class is a hour long and we have 4 minutes to go change binders at our locker and get to our next class. My school is called Harbor Lights and it is for 6th, 7th and 8th Graders. My school ends at 2:43 and I get home at 3:15 and I am at school by 7:35 if I ride the bus. That's a long day!! School is very important though so the Long days are so worth it in the end is what I say. So the rest of the day I came home and had a snack then went to the beginning of my street and picked up Bella from the bustop and she was so happy to see me and she told me all about her day.....She's in 5th grade and she is in Spanish Emersion and she does her math, social studies and a few other subjects all in spanish. She's amazing ,she knows more Spanish then me!! It's a really good program but they didnt haveit when I was in school so I never had it. Bella's teachers name is Mrs.Peralta. I was waiting for Bella's bus and there was a mom of kids I babysit for waiting for her son who is going into kindergarden and he is so cute and he had a great first day of kindergarten!! I better go I have wrote a lot and I better go to bed but don't you all worry I will write more tomorrow about what I did that day. Well I would say a prayer but I got to go so bless you all and I love you and of course the most important thing I love more than anything Jesus. <3 and="and" love="love" night="night" p="p" you="you">Syd3>
Sunday, September 2, 2012
I love summers so much!! It's the most fun when i am so busy!! I baby-sit so much and and dog walk and do horse shows and being so involved in church and horses and my family makes me so happy! Blogging about my life is such a good way 2 get my feelings out. Ya know Halloween is coming soon and I was thinking about being a dressage rider! Like I really am now, I want t be in the Olympics someday riding Dressage. I never doubt that in like 20 or more years it could happen its my dream job to be a pro dressage rider. School will start in 2 days. I can't believe it's starting so soon! My summer flew by. But what can I say I love being busy! I haven't blogged in like a year but I miss it. Writing your feelings is the best way to do it. Fall is coming and it is the most beautiful time of the year, the leaves, trees ,weather, school, happiness everything about fall I love!! Write me a comment and tell me what your favorite season is and if you have a blog write it on a comment and I will check it out and comment to you to. Expect a blog again really soon like tomorrow maybe , I love writing so much maybe I will write everyday now! Well love you all see u tomorrow! <3 nbsp="nbsp" p="p">3>
Dear Jesus...please help everybody and school starting soon that it will be good and we all love you so much and Thank you for wonderful summer and wonderful family and I hope Fall will be all I he it to be. Thanks for everything Lord and I am happy to see you in Heavan!! love your child Sydney Archer <3 nbsp="nbsp" p="p">3>
Thursday, February 2, 2012
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