Monday, February 11, 2013

Get well

Hello, I am sorry I didn't write a blog yesterday I felt horrible I don't known of it was the flu or food poisoning but I was throwing up all nigh last night. I woke up thinking that I was going to miss school but fortunately I had a snow day! So haven't missed school yet and I hope I will feel better tomorrow and I thank The Lord i am usually healthy but i pray to get better soon. It wasn't a very exciting snow day but a great chance for me to get better so I hope I will , I just watched t.v read a lot and slept and listened to my sister read to me also so I hope and pray I can go to school tomorrow and that I will feel normal , thanks God and goodnight everyone.
Syd <3

1 comment:

Anita said...

I'm so sorry you were sick. It's good you had a snow day so you didn't miss school. But---it wasn't a very fun way to spend a snow day!