Hello! I try to write a blog once or more every day so thanks If u have been reading! You are very mucho appreciated by me for reading my blog! Well today is Tuesday and I rode Phoenix and she is a draft horse with a paint mix! The most beautiful in the barn to me! She is just lovely and she is a sweetheart, she does everything I want her to and she is a dressage star so i love that because i know more about it than jumping but we are both new at jumping so we build each others confidence and that's good we teach each other and we are a really good pair so anyway I will ride again on Thursday and I will show you down pictures of her so here's Phoenix and Benson! Benson is a golden retriever and he is 7 years old and I have been walking him every day after school for two years he has all the same qualities that Phoenix has and they both love me and i Iove them they are a bug part of my life , i just love animals so here are the pictures!!
Bye byes now.
Syd <3
I love Phoenix and Benson and I've never seen either one of them. I know what you mean by they love you and you love them. I've had love affairs with animals too! Thanks for sharing this with us! I love you!
I like Benson! Good to hear that you have a company with two lovely animals!
Well, yes you should build confidence with phoenix so that you and her can be a good team!
Good luck!
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