Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Snow day

So on Monday I had a snow day and today is Tuesday but I didn't do to much so I am writing about what I did on Monday, my snow day. So my mom gets a call and it is like 5:30 in the morning saying we have a snow day and so she tells me very early so I just say "Are you serious " while I was still practically sleeping in bed and when I did get up,(I slept in a lot) I played a game with my mom and sister and I had a homemade smoothie and I then went to the mall and I went to Claire's because me and my sister love to get earrings from there so I will show you picture m of what I got! I went riding also and It was very fun! So I hope everyone is having a safe and happy week so far and remember to always to praise God for his Glorys and the amazing , speechless love and all he does . God loves everyone more and he made everyone so I hope you all believe that and goodnight!
<3 Syd!

1 comment:

Anita said...

Yes, I do believe...but you already know that!
It sounds to me like you had a very good snow day! I like your purchases. Your hat is SO cute!